Privacy Policy

Privacy is important especially when you consider the number of ways we communicate and interact these days. We’re committed to our privacy obligations and will conduct business to ensure the protection of your personal information, including sensitive information.

It is important to understand that:

  • NEOS Protection is issued by NobleOak Life Limited (the Insurer);
  • Protect Super Plan is a division of OneSuper ABN 43 905 581 638 RSE R1001341, issued by Diversa Trustees Limited (Diversa, the Trustee) ABN 49 006 421 638 AFSL 235153 RSE L0000635;
  • NEOS provides superannuation administration services in relation to the Protect Super Plan on behalf of the Trustee and insurance administration services (excluding the administration of claims) in relation to NEOS Protection on behalf of the Insurer.

These companies may collect, use and disclose your personal information in different ways as set out in their respective Privacy Policies.

NobleOak Privacy Policy

Diversa Trustees Limited Privacy Policy

NEOS Privacy Policy

Last updated: 1 June 2024