Resource library

Everything you need in one place

We understand that it can be hard to keep track of the different forms and documents you may require.

Which is why we’ve created this form and document library. Everything you may need to provide to a client, or to answer questions about NEOS or our processes, can be found here.

Simply scroll down to access the most up-to-date versions of our Adviser Guide, Data Capture Form and Protect Super Plan forms; to name a few.

Plus, if you’re a registered adviser with NEOS, you can also order hard copies of our Product Disclosure Statement and Data Capture Form. Just click on the ‘Order online’ button and follow the instructions on the screen. Your requested documents will be at your doorstep shortly!

NEOS Protection Adviser Guide

This Adviser Guide is designed to assist you in writing life insurance with NEOS by explaining our product and pricing approach, our underwriting and claims requirements, as well as our administrative processes. It should be read together with the NEOS Protection Product Disclosure Statement.

NEOS Protection Data Capture

Heading to a client meeting where you won't have access to a computer? This form has been created to help you capture the information necessary to complete a NEOS online application when you return to your office.
Protect Super Plan

Required forms

Here are the important forms your client will need to complete if they’ve purchased, or plan to purchase, life insurance using the Protect Super Plan.

Protect Super Enduring Rollover Form

Use this form to provide your consent to rollover or transfer part of the superannuation benefits from your nominated superannuation account, to the Protect Super Plan.

Protect Super Death Benefit Nomination

Use this form to make a binding or non-binding beneficiary nomination, renew an existing nomination, or to change an existing nomination.

Plan administration forms

We’ve kept our forms to the absolute minimum as most requests can be handled over the phone or via email. However, the few forms we do have, are provided below. All forms are writable PDFs so there’s no need to print – simply download the form, type in the responses and email it to us at

Ordinary death benefit nomination

Use this form to make a death benefit nomination for ordinary (non-super) NEOS Protection plans.

Medical authority

Use this form to provide your client's authority for their medical practitioner to release their personal medical information to NEOS.

Payment authority

Use this form to update your client's premium payment details for their NEOS Protection plan.

Guide to identity certification

This document outlines why we require proof of identity and the identity documents we accept.

Declaration signing

Use this form to capture your client's physical signature confirming their agreement with the declarations in the NEOS Protection application.

Application for alteration or increase

Use this form to request an increase in cover or addition to an existing plan, any alteration that requires underwriting (e.g. a reduction of waiting period) or a review of a loading/exclusion).

Health Declaration

Use this form to provide us with the required health declarations for pending NEOS Protection applications that are more than three months old.

Non-Smoker Declaration

Use this form to apply for a change to your smoking status on your cover.

Future Increase Benefit Application – income covers

Use this form to request an increase in Income Protection or Income Support Cover under the Future Increase Benefit.

Future Increase Benefit Application – lump sum covers

Use this form to request an increase in lump sum cover under the Future Increase Benefit.

Sales tools

Preparing a Statement of Advice? Want to provide your client a summary of NEOS Protection’s cover types and benefits? Looking for some words to describe who NEOS is and why your client can be confident at claims time? Look no further.

This section contains helpful ‘tools’ designed to make your job, and conversations with your clients, easier.

Getting to know NEOS Protection

The NEOS product brochure provides a high-level summary of our cover types, their key benefits, valuable features and optional extras. This brochure has been designed to help you describe NEOS Protection to your clients.

NEOS Protection unique features

Looking for a quick overview of what makes NEOS Protection unique when compared to other product offerings? Then look no further. This document provides all the information you’d like to know.

NEOS SoA wording examples

This document is designed to assist you in preparing a Statement of Advice (SoA) or Record of Further Advice (RoFA) for your client. Specifically, it includes wording examples that can be used to help describe who NEOS is and the key benefits offered under NEOS Protection.

Tele-interview guide

This guide includes everything you need to know about our tele-interview process including how to prepare, what information is required and how we use your information.

Brand use authorisation

Would you like to include the NEOS logo on your website or marketing collateral? If so, please complete this form, send it to us and we'll provide the logo file.